import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('spider.sqlite') cur = conn.cursor() print("Creating JSON output on spider.js...") howmany = int(input("How many nodes? ")) cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(from_id) AS inbound, old_rank, new_rank, id, url FROM Pages JOIN Links ON = Links.to_id WHERE html IS NOT NULL AND ERROR IS NULL GROUP BY id ORDER BY id,inbound''') fhand = open('spider.js','w') nodes = list() maxrank = None minrank = None for row in cur : nodes.append(row) rank = row[2] if maxrank is None or maxrank < rank: maxrank = rank if minrank is None or minrank > rank : minrank = rank if len(nodes) > howmany : break if maxrank == minrank or maxrank is None or minrank is None: print("Error - please run to compute page rank") quit() fhand.write('spiderJson = {"nodes":[\n') count = 0 map = dict() ranks = dict() for row in nodes : if count > 0 : fhand.write(',\n') # print row rank = row[2] rank = 19 * ( (rank - minrank) / (maxrank - minrank) ) fhand.write('{'+'"weight":'+str(row[0])+',"rank":'+str(rank)+',') fhand.write(' "id":'+str(row[3])+', "url":"'+row[4]+'"}') map[row[3]] = count ranks[row[3]] = rank count = count + 1 fhand.write('],\n') cur.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT from_id, to_id FROM Links''') fhand.write('"links":[\n') count = 0 for row in cur : # print row if row[0] not in map or row[1] not in map : continue if count > 0 : fhand.write(',\n') rank = ranks[row[0]] srank = 19 * ( (rank - minrank) / (maxrank - minrank) ) fhand.write('{"source":'+str(map[row[0]])+',"target":'+str(map[row[1]])+',"value":3}') count = count + 1 fhand.write(']};') fhand.close() cur.close() print("Open force.html in a browser to view the visualization")